Saturday, January 16, 2010

This is the first articles related to my blog.

The 12 day grapefruit diet is not a new concept. The original plan was developed in the 1930's. This Fruit appears to be a dieter's dream. It has not fat, is high in fiber and low in calories. It also carries benefits for your skin as it is high in vitamin C.
So how does this diet work? It's very simple You eat half a grapefruit before every meal. The enzyme it contains reduces your appetite so you consume fewer calories. It slso speeds up the fat burning process helping you to shed pounds. Everyone knows that if you use more energy than you take in from the food you eat, you will lose weight. Some Studies suggest that you could lose up to ten pounds in less than two weeks simply by introducing this change. Personally, I believe you would have a better chance of success if you also cut your portion sizes, ate four or five smaller meals
It is completely pointless thinking that one simple change in your lifestyle is going to result in a big weight loss. You need to review all areas of your life. Do you eat food because you are bored? Upset? Do you get enough exercise? Most americans are not active enough.I am sure you can think of a million ways to add some movement to our sedentary lifestyle. You could take the stairs instead of the lift, walk to the store or even get off the rail one block sooner and walk the rest of the way to work.
Make simple changes at mealtimes. Instead of frying Your food which only adds calories, try grilling, baking or steaming. Learn how to cook rather than relying on prepackaged meals that add dollars to your bills as well as pounds to your waistline. Use herbs and spices to flavor your meals rather than salt to help prevent fluid retention.
Eat more fruit and vegetables. They are high in fiber, low in calories and very filing. Your skin will glow from all the extra vitamins and minerals your are consuming. Don't eat carbohyrates after 5 pm in the evening as your body will not have sufficient time to use up all the energy they release. The body converts excess energy into fat.
Eat protein but choose the leaner cuts of meat forget about sausages and other processed foods for now. Don't exclude all treats but go for quality rather than quantity. Stop eating when you are full and not when your plate is empty.
Don't mistake being thirsty for feeling hungry. And stop ingesting hidden calories via flavored water, fizzy pop and perhaps the biggest culprit of all, alcohol.
You can shrink your waistlin by using the 12 day grapefruit diet. but only if you combine it with a health eating and exercise program..

Trying to learn to Blog.